Saturday 4 July 2009

Friday 3rd July - Washington. Happy Birthday Terry

This being the auspicious occasion of Terry’s birthday,
'Official Birthday Portrait'
I got up early and wrapped her presents in the bathroom, that being the only place where I could do it in secret! Terry was thrilled with the presents and was even allowed to choose the days activities. So once again we ventured out, clutching our purses tightly, and caught the Metro into town then took the bus to East Potomac Park and walked to the Thomas Jefferson Memorial.

It is a huge and awesome structure with a view across the tidal basin, past the Washington Monument and all the way to the White House. While we were there, helicopters were roaring just overhead - security, no doubt, for tomorrows Independence Day celebrations. There are many preparations going on in the city in readiness for tomorrow's goings on - concert venues, fireworks, crash barriers etc.

From there we walked on through the park to the Franklin D. Roosevelt Memorial, which was in complete contrast to the Jefferson Memorial. It was a series of outdoor rooms, each ‘room’ depicting a different phase of his Presidency, constructed of large granite blocks with several water features and inscribed with many of his words of wisdom.

'Room' depicting the Wartime phase

There was a bronze statue of him with his dog and also one of his wife, Eleanor, who contributed a great deal to the social changes wrought during his presidency.

Next on our itinerary was the Lincoln Memorial, another vast and impressive structure

View from Lincoln Memorial

then the World War II memorial, which was only built in 2004. This was a very moving place to be and with incredibly detailed bronze reliefs depicting scenes associated with the war.

By now, we were tired and hungry, so took the bus back to Union Station for a late lunch, followed by a visit to the Capitol, another awe inspiring building topped by a huge white dome. I took a tour inside but was somewhat disappointed not to be taken into either the Senate or House of Representatives but even so I was pleased to have been inside that historic building. Terry opted to stay outside.

After walking back to Union Station, we bought some ready made salads and fruit for dinner and were very glad to collapse on our beds back at the motel.

And so ends our visit to Washington. We have both enjoyed our stay here enormously and were very impressed with the City - a place well worth visiting but if I had to choose between returning to either Washington or Chicago, I would probably choose Chicago.